15 studentship jobs

Rosalind Franklin Institute: Franklin PhD studentship



£18,000 per annum: Rosalind Franklin Institute: The Rosalind Franklin Institute is a new national institute, funded by the UK government through UK Research and Innovation, dedicated... OX11 0FA, Didcot

PhD Studentship: Nanophotonic Interfaces for Solid-State Qubits

Northern-Ireland (uk)


Queen's University Belfast<br />Salary: Not specified

PhD Studentship in Mathematical Modelling of Poro-Mechanics of Soil

South-East (uk)


University of Southampton<br />Salary: We offer a range of funding opportunities for both UK and international students, including Bursaries and Scholarships

PhD Studentship: Improved Understanding of Transonic Flutter for Highspeed Aircraft

South-East (uk)


University of Southampton<br />Salary: We offer a range of funding opportunities for both UK and international students, including Bursaries and Scholarships

PhD Studentship: Development of a Novel Smart Coriolis Flow Meter

Northern (uk)


Manchester Metropolitan University<br />Salary: £19,237 per annum

PhD Studentship in Modelling the Role of Hard Particles in Hard Facing Alloys

South-East (uk)


University of Southampton<br />Salary: Full-time studentships will cover UK course fees and an enhanced tax-free stipend of approx. £23,500 per year for 4 years along with a substantial budget for research, travel, and centre...

PhD Studentship: Fast Optimisation of Wind and Tidal-Stream Turbine Arrays

Northern (uk)


The University of Manchester - Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering<br />Salary: £19,237 in 2024/24

PhD Studentship: Building a profile of Formula racing drivers at different stages of development

Northern (uk)


Manchester Metropolitan University<br />Salary: £19,237 per annum

PhD Studentship: Development of new antimicrobial materials for industrial 3D printing applications

Northern (uk)


Manchester Metropolitan University<br />Salary: £19,237 per annum

PhD Studentship in Modelling soil dewatering and recharge for cost-effective and climate resilient infrastructure

South-East (uk)


University of Southampton<br />Salary: We offer a range of funding opportunities for both UK and international students, including Bursaries and Scholarships

PhD Studentship: Developing our Understanding of Active and Healthy Ageing Using Biological Assessments

Northern (uk)


Manchester Metropolitan University<br />Salary: £19,237 per annum

PhD Studentship: Multifunctional Chemical Probes for Molecular Mapping of Cellular and Subcellular Protein Networks

Northern (uk)


Manchester Metropolitan University<br />Salary: £19,237 per annum

PhD Studentship: An integrated Biopsychosocial approach to understanding physical activity patterns in people living with chronic low back pain

Northern (uk)


Manchester Metropolitan University<br />Salary: £19,237 per annum

PhD Studentship: Characterising skeletal muscle protein metabolism and dietary intake in adults with sporadic inclusion body myositis (IBM) using non-invasive approaches

Northern (uk)


Manchester Metropolitan University<br />Salary: £19,237 per annum

PhD Studentship: Characterising the functional and transcriptomic differences between the inner and outer layers of human myometrium; towards understanding their roles in uterine pathophysiology and developing next generation therapies

Northern (uk)


Manchester Metropolitan University<br />Salary: £19,237 per annum